5. 영어 프레젠테이션 Bar, Line graph 표현
1. 그래프 증가 영어 표현
- increase, rise, go up, grow, climb, improve
2)급격히 증가하다, 치솟다
- skyrocket, soar
- increase significantly
rise suddenly
go up + dramatically
grow sharply
climb steeply
improve rapidly
3)천천히, 조금씩, 꾸준히 증가하다.
- steadily, gradually, slowly, slightly
- Sales are increasing steadily. : 매출이 꾸준히 늘고 있습니다.
4) ~이 오르고 있는 중이다.
- Our market share is on the rise: 저희 시장 점유율이 오르고 있습니다.
5) ~이 A에서 B로 증가하였다.
- Shares have gone up from 15 dollars to 25 dollars.: 주식이 15달러에서 25달러로 올랐습니다.
2. 그래프 감소 영어 표현
- decrease, drop, fall, go down, decline
- plunge, plummet, slump
- fluctuate, roller-coaster, the ups and downs
- Stock prices fluctuated(roller-coastered) last week.
- Stock prices showed the ups and downs.
3. 그래프 유지 영어 표현
1) 머무르다, 유지하다, 안정되다.
- stand at, remain steady, stabilize, maintain
- Sales have been stabilized in this quarter.: 이번 분기에는 매출이 변동 없이 유지되고 있습니다.
* 회복되다
- The export sales have recovered.: 수출액이 회복되었습니다.
* 이르다
- Our sales in the second half reached $200 million.: 저희 회사의 하반기 매출은 2억 달러에 이르렀습니다.
4. Bar graph 예시
* Overall, young people between the ages of
16 and 31 preferred to buy rock and pop music,
whereas older people liked jazz and classical music.
* The over 58 group bought approximately four and a half million classical recordings.
* The 32 to 57 age group bought just less than 2 million pop recordings in 2015.
5. Line graph 예시
* Most tourists visited Singapore between June and September
with a number of between 3.5 and 4.5 thousand.
* The number of people who visited Japan dropped sharply from June to July.
* The number remained stable in August and then grew steadily in September.
* We can see that the trend for Thailand is similar.
The number of tourists fell slightly from 2.5 to 1.8 thousand between June and July then rose to 3 thousand in September.